Once again, I am Jennsze who is studying Bechelor of Public Relations in TARUC.
I am so appreciate to have this golden opportunity to write and share my opinion on certain topics here. I would like to thank my lecturer, Ms Sabina for guiding me in this subject, PR and new media. I learnt a lot from this subject and found it is useful for us as a PRP in the future.
This would be my last post my the blog.
Thanks for reading.
Thank you so much :)
PR life
Friday, 31 July 2015
New Media Issue
In today's affluent society, the advancement of technology has brought many new media issues such as credibility issues (fact and fiction, buying followers, making comments in a public sphere, clickbaiting...), brand identity issues (failing expectations, brandjacking, astroturfing, parody, copyright infringements...), campaign issues (slacktivism) and security issues (cyber harrassment and privacy concers).
Today, I am going to specifically talk about
Cyber Harassment
Cyber harassment is a criminal offense that using cyberspace to terrorize or to control a target to a point that he or she is being harmed, fear or even causes death, either to oneself or to others close to her or him.
The Amanda Todd Case
ABC news reported a video posted on Youtube entitled "Mystory: Struggling, bullying, suicide, slef harm"(more than 17 million views) by Amanda Todd. Amanda Todd used flash cards to tell about her experiences of being cyber harassed and blackmailed. After a month of posting this video on 7th September 2012, Amanda hanged herself on 10 October 2012.
In the video, Amanda revealed that she began using video chat in the 7th Grade to meet new friends online, and one stranger convinced her to naked her breasts on camera. The stranger attempt to use the photo to blackmail Amanda and the naked picture of Amanda began circulation on the Internet.
Amanda's mother said "The Internet stalker she flashed kept stalking her and everytime she moved schools he would undercover."
The Amanda Todd Case

picture source: http://blog.nj.com/jerseyblogs/2010/10/tyler_clementis_suicide_blogge.html
A 18-year old boy, Tyler Clementi committed suicide by jumping off the George Washington Bridge on 22th September 2010. The story started when Tyler Clementi began to share that he was a gay. Clementi's roommate, Dharun Ravi used a web camera to stream footage of Clementi kissing another man in Rutgers University. Clementi could not accept when he saw his roommate's tweet and he had become a hot topic in his new social environment thus committed suicide to end his life. After Clementi's death, Ravi was being charged.
Why I chosen this topic to discuss?
I chose to discuss this topic because it is a serious problem that people today cannot despise. The powerful new media influence us not only in positive way, it can also make an innocent person to end his or her precious life because of cyber harassment. And cyber harassment can be the most difficult issue to resolve in our society.
Solutions to cyber harassment
1. Parents- always be concerned with their children

picture source: http://chaicounselors.org/2014/03/13/self-harm-and-the-parent-child-relationship-in-the-south-asian-community/
Parents should always concern with their children's attitude and behavior and often monitor what their children do on social media. It is an effective way to prevent any sad cyber bullying case happen to their children. If parents find that their children are facing cyber harassment on new media platforms, they should immediately educate their children what to do to guide them and to have conversation with them to avoid them to committee suicide.
2. Friends - take care of the friend who is being cyber harassed

picture course: http://www.rappler.com/science-nature/life-health/63358-friends-social-circles-genetics-study
Friend is one of the important agents to eradicate the problem of cyber harassment. As a friend, we should always take care of our friends who are being cyber harassed, we should comfort him or her and console them to be tough and also always accompany them to carry out some meaningful activities such as travelling. This is to avoid the friends who are being cyber harassed to keep thinking about the problem, we as a friend to cheer them up is a significant responsibility.
3. Schools/ Institution - Education and policies

picture source: http://says.com/my/news/how-a-teen-in-a-baju-kurung-won-the-attention-of-malaysians-and-our-deputy-prime-minister
In this context, school should develop clear rules and policies to prohibit the use of technology such as smartphones or tabs to bully others. In addition, after setting those rules, school has to supervise and monitor the students and to educate them what types of behavior constitute cyber harassment and tell them how the school district's policies apply to the students.
Thanks for reading :)
Today, I am going to specifically talk about
Cyber Harassment
picture source: http://cybbullying.wikispaces.com/Cyber+Harassment
The Amanda Todd Case
ABC news reported a video posted on Youtube entitled "Mystory: Struggling, bullying, suicide, slef harm"(more than 17 million views) by Amanda Todd. Amanda Todd used flash cards to tell about her experiences of being cyber harassed and blackmailed. After a month of posting this video on 7th September 2012, Amanda hanged herself on 10 October 2012.
In the video, Amanda revealed that she began using video chat in the 7th Grade to meet new friends online, and one stranger convinced her to naked her breasts on camera. The stranger attempt to use the photo to blackmail Amanda and the naked picture of Amanda began circulation on the Internet.
Amanda's mother said "The Internet stalker she flashed kept stalking her and everytime she moved schools he would undercover."
The Amanda Todd Case
picture source: http://blog.nj.com/jerseyblogs/2010/10/tyler_clementis_suicide_blogge.html
A 18-year old boy, Tyler Clementi committed suicide by jumping off the George Washington Bridge on 22th September 2010. The story started when Tyler Clementi began to share that he was a gay. Clementi's roommate, Dharun Ravi used a web camera to stream footage of Clementi kissing another man in Rutgers University. Clementi could not accept when he saw his roommate's tweet and he had become a hot topic in his new social environment thus committed suicide to end his life. After Clementi's death, Ravi was being charged.
Why I chosen this topic to discuss?
I chose to discuss this topic because it is a serious problem that people today cannot despise. The powerful new media influence us not only in positive way, it can also make an innocent person to end his or her precious life because of cyber harassment. And cyber harassment can be the most difficult issue to resolve in our society.
Solutions to cyber harassment
1. Parents- always be concerned with their children

picture source: http://chaicounselors.org/2014/03/13/self-harm-and-the-parent-child-relationship-in-the-south-asian-community/
Parents should always concern with their children's attitude and behavior and often monitor what their children do on social media. It is an effective way to prevent any sad cyber bullying case happen to their children. If parents find that their children are facing cyber harassment on new media platforms, they should immediately educate their children what to do to guide them and to have conversation with them to avoid them to committee suicide.
2. Friends - take care of the friend who is being cyber harassed
picture course: http://www.rappler.com/science-nature/life-health/63358-friends-social-circles-genetics-study
Friend is one of the important agents to eradicate the problem of cyber harassment. As a friend, we should always take care of our friends who are being cyber harassed, we should comfort him or her and console them to be tough and also always accompany them to carry out some meaningful activities such as travelling. This is to avoid the friends who are being cyber harassed to keep thinking about the problem, we as a friend to cheer them up is a significant responsibility.
3. Schools/ Institution - Education and policies
picture source: http://says.com/my/news/how-a-teen-in-a-baju-kurung-won-the-attention-of-malaysians-and-our-deputy-prime-minister
In this context, school should develop clear rules and policies to prohibit the use of technology such as smartphones or tabs to bully others. In addition, after setting those rules, school has to supervise and monitor the students and to educate them what types of behavior constitute cyber harassment and tell them how the school district's policies apply to the students.
4. Government - disseminate information and intensify laws
Picture Source: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/07/09/uk-malaysia-1mdb-idUKKCN0PJ0MT20150709
Government is one of the most important agents in this context of cyber harassment. Government should utilize media to disseminate information in order to create awareness of this issue and ask people to be careful of this issue. Government also has to intensify laws in order to prevent this issue happen around all the people.
All in all, everyone of us should take our responsibility to avoid all kinds of new media issues. The new media is an effective platform in every aspects if we utilize it in a positive way.
Thanks for reading :)
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Crisis Communication - Social Media
What is Crisis Communication?
Picture Source: http://travelnewsnepal.com/opinion/crisis-communication-to-minimize-human-induced-hazards/
Crisis communication is the effort taken by a company (especially Public Relations) to communicate with the public and stakeholders when an unexpected event happen that would bring negative impacts towards the company. Crisis communication is one of the step in planning crisis management, the PR has to protect and defend its clients to maintain the company's reputation.
Importance of incorporating social media into crisis communication plan
Picture Source: http://www.prconversations.com/2013/11/making-sense-of-the-impact-of-social-media-on-crisis-communication/
Incorporating social media into crisis communication
1. Enable speedily inform and responses
During crisis, an immediate response to the public is essential. Social media is an online platform that enable information to spread speedily without times and space constraint. Thus, incorporating social media to response during crisis is important in order to alleviate further damage to the victims in the crisis.
For example, Sekolah Sri Cempaka which is a private school in Malaysia. There was a fire broke out at the school in the exclusive neighbourhood of Damansara Heights in September 2013. In facing the fire out of a sudden, the school announced the fire immediately on its school intranet, Facebook and Twitter to inform the concerned parents and students. In this case, the school speedily response and inform the parents by using the social media. It helped to keep contact with the parents and made the students and parents reassured.
Picture source: http://brandconsultantasia.com/2013/09/10/case-studies-of-how-two-malaysian-brands-used-technology-in-a-crisis/
Sekolah Sri Cempaka made announcement of the fire on Facebook.
2. Effective two-way communication
The organization or the PR of the organization can have a direct interaction with the audiences during crisis. The victims or audiences also can contact with the organization using social media. Incorporating social media in crisis communication cannot be denied that it is important to establish two-way communication as social media is a communication tool that allow social media users to communicate with others.
3. Monitoring situation
Social media can be used as a tool to monitor the situation after a crisis happened. Public relation practitioners (PRP) are always advised to use social media to see the response and reaction of audiences and victims of the crisis matter. By monitoring the responses and feedback on social media, PRP can develop better strategies and tactics or solution in the crisis management process.
For instance,Malaysia Airlines apologized and removed a tweet
“Want to go somewhere
but don't know where?” on Twitter in November after criticizing by the Twitter
users for being insensitive as MH370 was still missing.
Picture source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2852859/Malaysian-Airlines-removes-tweet-promoting-flight-sales-apologises-outrage-followers-link-missing-MH370.html
If Malaysia Airlines did not monitor the feedback of Twitter users, they will not realize the tweet may cause the occurrence of another issue or crisis. Fortunately, they monitor the response on Twitter and execute the solution quickly by removing the tweet and tweeted to apologize.
The most important element in crisis management is crisis communication. Poor communication during crisis will lead larger damage to both the victims and also the organization. Thus, every organization should have well social media policy in order to carry out effective communication on social media during crisis, it is because social media is considered as a powerful platform that will influence people from all walks of lives.
Thanks for reading :)
Tuesday, 14 July 2015
How To Plan for New Media
Steps and Elements of "New Media Planning" in a New Media Form
Picture Source: http://www.adteamla.com/media-planning
STEP 1: Assemble and Assign a Capable Team
Picture Source: http://www.inetasia.com/company/careers.html
A capable team is very important in developing a new media plan for a company or organization. An organization can choose to use internal Public Relations or hire external team to the particular new media plan in order to make the plan successfully and effectively that match the organization's goals.
STEP 2:Company and Products Analysis
Picture Source: http://www.appian.com/blog/bpm/avoiding-the-two-biggest-mistakes-in-software-tco-analysi
After assigning the team, the team should analyse the company or the products and write a report of analysis. Since it is new media plan, the team need to identify the company's new media platforms and how the people in the company use those platforms. They should also identify the internal and external stakeholders of the organizations and explain how the new media impacts on the stakeholders. It is essential for a hired external team which helping an organization to plan for new media strategies. In addition, The team suppose to evaluation the organization's current new media strategies and explain how the new media strategies can aid in the traditional business processes, which means the team need to determine how the new media used by the organization can integrate into the department of organization such as marketing, operations, human resources and logistics. Aside from that, SWOT analysis is also a key in analysis context. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Doing SWOT analysis about the company and the products enable the team understand clearly about them in order to develop a more effective new media plan that can really help the company.
STEP 3:New Media Planning
Picture Source: http://www.driscoll-brothers.com/the-importance-of-exhibition-planning/
Firstly, the team need to set new media objectives in specific and clear manner. After setting objectives, they should justify the selection on which platforms are suitable to use in order to achieve the new media plan objectives, then prepare a new media platform list upon the justification. Next, the team propose new media strategies and tactics for both internal and external stakeholders, it is the stage where preparing creative activities that can match with the objectives. After that, they need to prepare a Gantt chart as a timeline that reminding the team when to carry out those activities. Aside from that, the team has to prepare the mock or demonstration of how the platforms they used in the new media plan look like, how the platforms can function...this step is to ensure all the new media platforms can work and function well before the execution of those activities. Lastly, the team has to plan and develop the evaluation and measure methods in order to do evaluation on whether the new media plan is considered success or not after the execution.
How to make a good new media plan
1. Always adhere to new media plan objectives
All the elements in a good new media plan should often refer and stick to the initial objectives. This enable to ensure that the whole plan does not deviate from the aims and goals.
2. Good Time Management
The team should have good time management in order to make a good new media plan. What day and time should be clearly listed in the Gantt Chart.It is very important the all the members of the team to know when and who is handle which session of the new media plan. If anyone of the team does not be responsible to carry out the activities such as post a statement very late on social media which do not accord the Gantt chart, it may decrease the effectiveness of the new media plan. Thus, time management is important to make a good new media plan.
3. Follow the steps and elements of "New Media Planning” above
In order to make a good new media plan, the company or organization should follow the "steps 1- assemble and assign a capable team,step 2- carry out product and company analysis and step 3- the new media planning stage" listed above.
In this first semester of my Bachelor of Pubic Relations ( Honours) - Year 2, one of the assignments for the subject 'PR and New Media' is to create a new media plan for Dell. My assignment group follow exact the steps I share at above to do this assignment, conducts at least a meeting to discuss this assignment a week, and always update our lecturer our progress, if our lecturer has any comments and suggestions, we will amend it in order to make this new media plan good, although it is just a academic assignment. I believe that this kind of practical assignment is good for us as a PR in the future, we maybe also be assigned by the organization that we work with to develop a new media plan for the organization.
Thank you for reading :)
Monday, 6 July 2015
Handling Online Reviews and Dissatisfaction
DKNY properly engaged negative reviews
Picture source: http://logonoid.com/dkny-logo/
In November 2010, Brandon Stanton started a photographic projects called Human's of New York. Two years later, he approached by DKNY with an offer $15,000 for his photos in order to display in DKNY store, but Stanton declined.
25th February 2013, Stanton posted on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr to review that DKNY has used his photos in a Bangkok store window without his permission and he requested DKNY to donate to the YMCA on behalf of Stanton.
Stanton posted the following in his Facebook Fan page:
Picture source: http://melissaagnes.com/dkny-the-perfect-example-of-how-to-avoid-a-social-media-crisis/

Picture Source; https://jackgu2013.wordpress.com/tag/dkny/
Stanton's photos were being used in a DKNY Bangkok store.
On the same day, DKNY immediately released an apology and promised that they will donate to YMCA on DKNY Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr.
Picture Source: http://melissaagnes.com/dkny-the-perfect-example-of-how-to-avoid-a-social-media-crisis/
At this stage, I think that DKNY had properly deal and engaged with the review.
It is because:
1. Respond Quickly
Quick reaction is the key in responding any negative review. The longer times the company takes to response a negative review, the more negative impact they will face, because online platform spread information widely within a second. DKNY instantly (within the day) issued an apology and made a promise to Stanton.
2. Respond honestly
Honest attitude is very important in this context. DKNY chose to embrace the negative review instead of attacking it. DKNY sincerely apologized to Stanton and said that they were working to seek the truth of the issue.
Unfortunately, there are many attacks continued for DKNY because of the lack of donating that the full 100k requested by Stanton to YMCA.
However, I think that DKNY was doing the right steps for their initial response and decision on social media.
- Join the conversation
- Response to those negative online reviews and dissatisfaction no matter how worse it is.
- The responses are showing the respects and understanding towards the audiences.
- In order to maintain your reputation.
2. Contact the audience privately
- A company can choose to reach offline with the audience who complaints or post negative reviews.
- This action allow the company to give the audience a personal touch that signals you care about his or her.
3. Develop a social media policy
- It is very important for an organization to have own social media policy in order to respond the negative reviews and dissatisfaction.
Thanks for your precious time to read :)
Have a nice day
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Finding The Right Spokesperson
Criteria of a Good Online Spokesperson
1. Knowledgeable and familiarity
A good online spokesperson should possess the knowledge about the organization and the products that he or she represents. They should also familiar with the goals and beliefs of the organizations and also how the products functions, what is the special features of the products and so on. A good online spokesperson should be able to deliver the exact message of an organization that can impress the customers and increase bottom line of the organization. Aside from familiar with the organizations' goals and beliefs, a good online spokesperson should also be expert in using online media like social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Blog.
2. Good Communication skill
A good online spokesperson need to be able to deal with and also communicate with the online public accurately and skillfully. It is better to have an online spokesperson who has skillful experiences in speaking and communication. It is very important in order to let the online audiences understand what the spokesperson want to convey.
3. Credible and having good rapport with all online audiences
Credibility is an important element that a good online spokesperson should possess. Online spokesperson should credible enough in order to make the audiences believe and trust in what they said and to persuade the audiences. Indirectly, credibility of an online spokesperson is helping the spokesperson to establish and maintain good relationships with the online audiences.
Domino's Pizza allocated the vice-president of communications, Tim Mclntyre as the spokesperson during the Domino's Pizza Online Video Prank crisis. As this crisis is originated on social media where there is an online video posted on social media showed two Domino's Pizza employees in the US who messing around in the kitchen. Fortunately, Tim Mclntyre as the spokesperson deliver a comprehensive response to the situation on social media. While Domino's didn't have a social media policy in place for this type of crisis, having the right and suitable spokesperson like Tim Mclntyre could prevent a situation that was bad and spread spirally online from being further exacerbated.
Domino's had successfully engaged a suitable spokesperson to speak on behalf Domino's during this crisis.
Thank you for spending your precious time to read :)
picture source: http://marketingteamhouston.com/what-we-do/video-marketing/online-video-marketing/website-video-spokesperson/
Online Spokesperson
1. Knowledgeable and familiarity
A good online spokesperson should possess the knowledge about the organization and the products that he or she represents. They should also familiar with the goals and beliefs of the organizations and also how the products functions, what is the special features of the products and so on. A good online spokesperson should be able to deliver the exact message of an organization that can impress the customers and increase bottom line of the organization. Aside from familiar with the organizations' goals and beliefs, a good online spokesperson should also be expert in using online media like social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Blog.
picture Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jUW9rpBhqY
A good online spokesperson should familiar with online media.
2. Good Communication skill
A good online spokesperson need to be able to deal with and also communicate with the online public accurately and skillfully. It is better to have an online spokesperson who has skillful experiences in speaking and communication. It is very important in order to let the online audiences understand what the spokesperson want to convey.
Picture Source: campus.cherrycreekschools.org
Communication skill is the most important key for an online spokesperson.
3. Credible and having good rapport with all online audiences
Credibility is an important element that a good online spokesperson should possess. Online spokesperson should credible enough in order to make the audiences believe and trust in what they said and to persuade the audiences. Indirectly, credibility of an online spokesperson is helping the spokesperson to establish and maintain good relationships with the online audiences.
Picture Source: http://www.nathanmagnuson.com/where-credibility-comes-from/
Credibility is an important element that a good online spokesperson should possess to built trustworthiness between the organization and the audiences.
Examples of good online spokesperson
Jodie is the online spokesperson for Pittsburg Automotive. She speaks fluent and understandable English confidently in the below video. She explains in details to let the audiences to know the advanced technologies and services offered by Pittsburg Automotive. It cannot be denied that she has helped Pittsburg Automotive to create a good image.
An video of Jodie as a spokesperson to introduce Pittsburg Automotive:
Domino's Pizza allocated the vice-president of communications, Tim Mclntyre as the spokesperson during the Domino's Pizza Online Video Prank crisis. As this crisis is originated on social media where there is an online video posted on social media showed two Domino's Pizza employees in the US who messing around in the kitchen. Fortunately, Tim Mclntyre as the spokesperson deliver a comprehensive response to the situation on social media. While Domino's didn't have a social media policy in place for this type of crisis, having the right and suitable spokesperson like Tim Mclntyre could prevent a situation that was bad and spread spirally online from being further exacerbated.
Domino's had successfully engaged a suitable spokesperson to speak on behalf Domino's during this crisis.
Picture Source: http://www.examiner.com/article/domino-s-pizza-vp-to-deliver-keynote-at-making-it-michigan-conference
Domino's Vice-president of communications, Tim Mclntyre
Thank you for spending your precious time to read :)
Monday, 22 June 2015
Social Media Response Policies
picture source: http://www.marketingsherpa.com/article/chart/regulating-employee-social-media-use#
According to a research done by MarketingSherpa, there are only 25% of the companies respondent said that they had their own social media policy. Perhaps majority of the respondents saying that they do not think they need the social media policy or didn't intend to implement it for own company.
However, in fact, it is very important to have social media response policies in today's society.
The Importance of having Social Media Response Policies
1. Articulating an organization's expectations
picture source: http://sendible.com/insights/social-media-response-flowchart/
Social Media response as a guideline for an organization to communicate with the feedback.
2. Avoid Confusion
picture source: http://www.gograph.com/stock-illustration/confusion.html
There are various departments in an large organization. The CEO, Vice Presidents, marketing departments, PR team, IT departments may response to the feedback on social media at the same time. This can cause chaos for the company itself and also the audiences. It may cause the products or brand's image become muddled. Thus, social media response policies can use to avoid confusion as all the departments in the company clear and understand what, when, who, which, where and how to response on social media in an effective way.
3. Maintaining Relationships
Social media response policies can help an organization to maintain good relationship with the customers. As social media response policies are the guidelines that aid in preventing an organizations from having bad experiences interacting with the clients and customers in the social media communities.
4. Reputation Maintenance
Social media response policies are able to help in building good images and maintain the good reputation. The social media users may criticize or complement towards the response of an organization on social media. If an organization response every feedback in a polite manner which follow the social media response policies, it can help to protect the organization's reputation.
How it can be effectively used by organizations?
All the departments and employees in an organization have to be clear about own roles in social media response according to the social media response policies of their organization.
If there is any controversial issue happen or emerge on social media, the organization should use social media response policies effectively.
An example of organization which use social media response policies effectively is "Next Online". Next Online a Britain's fashion brands. Next Online representatives stay within Facebook as much as possible by using direct and private messages to solve personal issues or deal with sensitive information.
Picture Source: http://www.ignitesocialmedia.com/social-media-examples/top-brands-social-media-customer-service-facebook-twitter/
Another example is AirAsia, the AirAsia customer service team is able to respond immediately to customer queries on social media to avoid costly call centers which also reflecting AirAsia's main goal in "The lowest cost airline in every market they serve".
Picture Source: http://www.ignitesocialmedia.com/social-media-examples/top-brands-social-media-customer-service-facebook-twitter/
Thank you for reading and have a nice day :)
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